An entrepreneur right here in California has been selling Winestraws for several years now. She says she got the idea after seeing how people not only stained their teeth, but also their lips, and sometimes even the bridge of their noses at parties. She was also inspired by a party where some of her friends had gotten teeth whitening and didn’t want to wait to drink wine after the procedure. She remembered that dentists recommended drinking staining drinks through a straw.
This can help reduce stains on your teeth, but wine connoisseurs say it ruins the taste of the wine.
When she came up with the idea for Winestraws, Jenny LaFever says she worked hard to try to develop a straw that was compatible with having a good wine-drinking experience.
She says she tried glass straws, cheap disposable straws, and many others, a total of more than 50 different straws before deciding on the one she liked best. It looks and feels like glass, but it’s plastic, so it’s less likely to break. She also says it looks classy, like a swizzle stick, and that many restaurants have them available on request.
She also made the Winestraws just the right height for a wide variety of wine glasses.
As expected win connoisseurs are against the notion of drinking wine through a straw, but does it really impact the taste? LaFever implies that the Winestraws help the taste of wine because it delivers it directly to the palate. The palate does play an important role in taste. And there are some who claim that drinks taste better through a straw.
Wine will definitely taste different through a straw, as different aspects of flavor are foregrounded while others are muted. Chances are, you can find an everyday drinking wine that you can enjoy through a straw, then enjoy new or especially flavorful wines without so you’re getting the full taste. This helps balance the oral health benefits of wine with the staining aspect.
If you have teeth that are stained from too much wine, we can help with teeth whitening or, if more appropriate, porcelain veneers. To learn which is best for you, please call (310) 275-5325 for an appointment with a Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist at Nicolas A. Ravon, DDS, MSD.