Most parents give their kids a smile every day, but not like this. A man in Britain gave his daughter a new smile through Invisalign, and because of it, she has become the new poster girl for the procedure in Britain. What’s even more remarkable about this story is that she hasn’t seen her father since she was six.
Kristy Roberts-Millman had long wanted to find her father. When she was 17, she began her search for him, but was unable to locate him, until 2009 when police showed up on her doorstep with tragic news. Her father had been killed in a car accident.
Then when the death certificate arrived, she found he lived within a ten-minute drive of her own home.
Although Kristy was unable to locate her father, she decided to accomplish another dream she had. Using money from her inheritance, she decided to get Invisalign to correct her teeth. For as long as she can remember, she says, she has been unhappy about her smile. Since she lost her baby teeth, she found her adult teeth were coming in crooked.
She had developed an overbite. The teeth in her bottom jaw were crowded, and those in the upper jaw were crooked.
Invisalign was able to correct all the complaints she had about her teeth, giving her an attractive new smile that she was not only proud of, it caught the judges’ eyes. Combined with the unique story behind her treatment, the judges decided she was the perfect model for their new advertising campaign.
Although we can’t guarantee that Invisalign will make you a model, we can say that it gives great results for nearly every patient who uses it. If you are unhappy with crooked teeth and want to learn how Invisalign can help you, please call (310) 275-5325 for an appointment with a Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist at Nicolas A. Ravon, DDS, MSD.